What are the characteristics of a strength?
Not to be confused with a learned skill, strengths are something which;
- we are good at
- we enjoy
- energises us
Chances are, if something doesn’t tick all 3 boxes, it is a learned skill or behaviour as opposed to a natural strength.
Why not this week, start to recognise and share your strengths in the chat? Tune in to when you are doing something that ticks all 3 boxes. What were you doing? How did it feel?
I’ll start with one of mine – Organising. As an aside, when I first realised this was a strength of mine, I was slightly underwhelmed, it sounded so boring! Yet, once some colleagues shared what they valued about my organisational ability and explained that they either are not great at organising or simply don’t enjoy it, I had a rethink. Now I recognise that I love it! It brings me joy, energy and provides focus for the future. I have a natural talent to be able to think things through, in order of events and slot everything into place, quite naturally ????